Abundance. Wealth. Overflow. Excess. Cornucopia. Life. Infinity. This is real. Life is abundance.

Lack. Poverty. Scarcity. Limited resources. No love. This is illusory. There can only be abundance. There can be an illusion of lack and poverty and limited resources. The illusion of lack is part of the abundance.

There is enough for everyone. The future is as bright as you want it to be. Things can seem to be bad when we focus on poverty, hunger, overconsumption and overpopulation. Being in a mindset of scarcity, of saving money, of holding on to resources, believing that there is all kinds of lack, will attract more lack. Bring change by shifting your focus, by changing your paradigm, by having a mindset of abundance instead of scarcity. Bring change by being happy.

Having a Mindset of Abundance vs a Mindset of Scarcity

You have felt abundant in your lifetime. The feeling that good things seem to just come to you and happen for you is accompanying an abundance-mindset. Maybe it was a period where you were giving a lot, and noticed that you did not lack anything yourself. Perhaps you went on a winning streak in poker. A friend of yours attracts women effortlessly? All of these are a result of an abundant state of being. If you already feel that you have something, you will attract more of it.

A mindset of scarcity will do the opposite. Life will confirm to you the scarcity you are expecting to see. By thinking that you cannot, you cannot. Because you can cannot. But you cannot cannot. By focusing on all the things you can’t do e.g. due to not enough money, not enough time, not enough skills, a lack of physical ability and so on you will spiral downward. Turn this around before you get into the downward spiral.

You can. Abundance is everywhere.

Commercials and media can help create a belief that we need more, that we need to do more and become more. That we don’t already have enough. If we could just get that thing or do that thing that we saw someone have or do we would be a little bit better. Relax and don’t engage in this chase. Just be. Content. Abundant. Naturally.

The Fate of Planet Earth

Whether we know about every crime, every war, every corrupt person or group or have been raised without any news at all, I believe we still have the same potential for creating a new earth. By being happy. By following our hearts. By knowing abundance.

There are a lot of positive and magnificent feats the human race have managed to accomplish. We created a hole in the ozone layer, and fixed it. We harness solar power. We landed on the moon. We built pyramids. Oh, Wait.. Forget that last one.

*Internet humor*

Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler wrote the book Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think. It was published in 2012 and debuted at #1 on Amazon’s bestseller list. The book envisions a future where 9 billion people have access to clean water, food, energy, health care, education, and everything else that is necessary for a first world standard of living, all thanks to technological innovation. The book is a great example of one of the infinite ways in which abundance can play out.

The book has some really good points and is recommended for anyone looking for a positive perspective on how we humans can use science and technology to create a new earth. Technologies in computing, energy and medicine are improving at an exponential rate and allow independent innovators to achieve what today seems like impossible feats with little money or manpower.

Shift into Abundance

Knowing that you are abundant and that life is abundance is a great paradigm to be in. There are many ways you can shift your mindset into one of abundance. Here are some:

Get in the Mindset of “I Can”
There is only can, and no cannot, as mentioned earlier. Find a way in your mind to see that you can do everything, or at least that you could if you really wanted to. Get creative and see that you are able to think of ways in which you could do whatever it might be.

Think of Everything You Could Buy for Your Money
If you have a certain amount of money, i.e. 1000$, think of all the things you are able to afford with those 1000$. Two weeks on vacation? You could probably afford that. What else? Go skydiving a couple of times, buy a really good bike, etc.

Think in terms of using 1000$ for each of the things you want, like you have an unlimited number of that amount. By doing this you get into an abundant mindset without actually spending anything.

Be Grateful
By taking a few minutes to contemplate what you are most grateful for you get into a positive state where you focus on appreciating what you already have. By putting gratitude out into the universe, you will attract even more positivity into your life.

Help out someone who is in greater need than you. Volunteer at a homeless shelter, or donate to charity. You can also give to someone that has more than you or a friend of yours. Give compliments, or smiles! Free hugs!

I share this information with you, abundant with tips on how to realize you are abundant, from my abundant creative mind. I also used the abundant resource “the internet”, and as knowledge and books are abundant I got inspired by one of those as well. Inspiration is really abundant. I hope this sparked some feelings of abundance in you! Have a nice day.

Abundance of peace and joy,

